Monday, June 2, 2008

CENTOS 5.1 netconfig deprecated

Yes netconfig on CentOS 5.1 has been removed, here is how you do it now.

to set your ip, in you command line

# system-config-network

Then you will be asked which eth you would like to modify. Select the eth then press enter. Set in the data needed and select OK then you will be back at your previous page, finally select quit. Dont restart the network yet.

The second step is to set your DNS. you can use vi, mine is nano

# nano /etc/resolv.conf

Then enter your DNS eg.


If there is other text in it, remove it then replace it with a format mentioned above. dont forget to make a backup. If you are setting up multiple DNS, you may want to read the previous post I made just before this.

Finally restart the network

# service network restart

Then check if your settings work ny using ping ie.

# ping

Thats it for this post. :D cheers

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